Covid-19 Live Talk: Pre-Government Announcement – Winners & Losers! What Proactive Actions Can SMEs Take?

Which industries are mostly affected and why? What can the SMEs and the Small & Medium Practitioners (SMPs) i.e. Professional Service Providers do, to protect themselves from closing shops?

Which industries are mostly affected and why? What can the SMEs and the Small & Medium Practitioners (SMPs) i.e. Professional Service Providers do, to protect themselves from closing shops? With the relaxation of the HR directives for the private sector, what’s next? We have a selective number of special guests tonight to share economic insights with you – live on air.

Dato’ Seri Raymond Liew
Entrepreneur Tax Accountant
President of McMillan Woods

Mr. Ernie Chen
Founder of PORTMAN College

Datuk Michael Kang
National President SME Association of Malaysia

KC Lau
Founder of VVIN, CRM for SMEs

Topic of the Day:

  • Covid-19 Discussion on which industries are mostly affected and why?
  • Covid-19 What proactive actions SME & SMP Business owners need to arm themselves to avoid closing shops or heading into bankruptcy!
  • Covid-19 With the relaxation of the private sector on HR payroll cost, employers and employees are now in negotiation for a mutual pay-cute to retain jobs – What’s next?

Who Should Participate & Watch?

  • SME Owners
  • Business Owners/Founders
  • Entrepreneurs & Start-Ups
  • Senior Management of company

We are sure the above topics would be of interest to you.

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Posted by McMillan Woods on Wednesday, 29 April 2020

4 April 2020 (Saturday)