Audit Assurance
Where an audit assurance exercise is required, our systematic approach is designed to add value to our clients’ businesses and produce positive benefits from our procedures.
With the advent of technology, the audit assurance landscape has now taken a 360% turn. Not only statutory auditors are now a watchdog but they are also bloodhounds!
At McMillan Woods, our audit assurance service is geared to adapt and comply with the frequent and evolutionary change to meet our clients’ requirements and that of the statutory bodies. Such services also include risk assessment, brand value protection, intellectual property rights, corporate social responsibility (CSR) but most importantly the overall “reputation” risk of our clients’ organisation needs to be assessed and every measures taken to protect its reputation. As such, we place great emphasise on quality control management and exercise integrity at all times.
In an audit assurance based assignment, risk-based audit approach is often used to ensure our work task is of the highest value to both our clients and that of the third party’s reliance on the final report hence enabling proper judgment and decisions to be made.