Internal audit

At McMillan Woods, we strongly believe that with the ever-changing landscape of the business environment, the “internal audit” function can no longer retain the traditional, transaction-based role. The need to react swiftly in today’s technology-driven, global marketplace means an organisation must be quick, flexible and receptive to this change to enable the organisation to achieve its strategic aims and goals.

Internal Audit has the potential to be one of the most influential and value-adding services available to the board of directors especially for a listed entity. It is crucial in identifying opportunities, risks and exposures that can determine success or failure of an organisation

At McMillan Wood, we can help you transform your internal audit department by making it more risk-focussed, re-aligning the internal audit effort with the inherent risks that may jeopardise the attainment of the business objectives and corporate mission.

Our role is to provide our clients with a tailored strategic approach to assist our clients to identify and understand specific operational and financial risks; to define the level of calculated risks your organisation is willing to take on; and to identify and focus on the opportunities available to your organisation.