
News Articles

‘Address mental health issue’

Study: Over 70% of Hong Kong folk suffer from depression HONG KONG: While mental illness remains mostly unrecognised and largely untreated, the whole world has endured a year of relentless…
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WHO: UK variant now in 50 countries

S. Africa strain found in 20 nations as UN body worries over mutation in Japan GENEVA: The coronavirus mutation first found in Britain has now spread to 50 territories, according…
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Tracking device for SIA crew

Keeping a close eye: Flight crew who need to stay overseas during layover flights will have to wear devices that track their location. — The Straits Times/ANN Singapore: Flight crew…
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Sinovac vaccine approved as infections surge

In this Jan. 5, 2021, file photo, Indonesian security officers carry a box containing coronavirus vaccines upon its arrival in Bali, Indonesia. Indonesia’s Food and Drug Authority on Monday, Jan.…
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Covid-19 vaccine proves safe and effective

Beijing: More than nine million doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered across China, and the safety and efficacy of the vaccines have been proved, a top health official said.…
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Pre-Covid profitability by end-2022

HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd chief executive officer Stuart Milne (pic) said the resurgence of Covid-19 cases, decline in consumer demand and protectionism have not dampened the inclination of most Malaysian…
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